Apparently waste not want not can be applied to music as well. With his new LP Aus (Yasuhiko Fukuzono, the FLAU boss man) has dusted off some film project demos, enlisted Takahara Kumi on violin as his main cohort and toned down his genre blending exploits to devise what sounds like futuristic, low gravity chamber music for orbiting space stations.

If that wasn’t enough there’s some impressive guests as well, most notably Julianna Barwick and Meg Baird on vocals, with further spectral assistance from his local Japanese crew. I said earlier that there wasn’t an ambient pick today, but with its drum-free compositions and ethereal aesthetic this comes pretty damn close at times. Most tracks float effortlessly through the speakers and hang in the air like your wayward uncle’s cigarette smoke, though with its cinematic roots there are moments of suspense and mild drama; Kumi’s violin ably assisted by the cello of Danny Norbury to pull them off.
The album’s a lovely ambient neoclassical listen which will sound great on a Sunday evening.