*** This blog post first appeared in TSMM's March 14th Newsletter, where you can get all the music tips, and more, first ***

I was an early Monde UFO adopter. Looking back at Bandcamp I described their second single as, “Sweetly sung bedroom gloom pop over a jazz drum break, Kenny G sax & bit of microdosed guitar twang.“ They then followed it up with one of the most singular LPs of 2021 and probably the debut LP of that year, a far out fusion of lo-fi psychedelia, jazz, Americana, bossa and pop exotica. Well I’m glad to report that things have gotten weirder since then.

Their new LP has just dropped via one of my favourite indie labels - Fire Records and it’s another hard one to pin down with the only discernible thread being main man, Ray Monde’s distinctive, hushed vocals, that melt into wave after wave of psychedelic whimsy and far out arrangements.
It’s more cohesive chaos and glorious madness, so expect the unexpected, from spooky soundtracks, full pelt acid folk-pop, jazz licked orchestral indie-jangle, free operatic ambient-jazz, freak funk, carnival primed lysergic samba crooning, Americana rock operas, toad licked surf or THC saturated dream jazz. Fly your freak flag for this one.
Playlist Companion
Find monde ufo in suitably trippy company over at the Slow Psyche Playlist.