This is another one of those fusion albums I have a fondness for and inevitably struggle to describe. As always you’re better off listening to the music than me. The group came together in Germany at a Cologne festival, the three Japanese based improvisers deciding to meet up and record with Germany’s Von Spar. I’d love to fill you in about these artists but I’ve never heard of any of them, although they certainly seem to have hit it off in the studio.

I guess Krautrock is the glue that binds the tracks but be prepared for some restrained post rock, cosmic minimalism, low key abstract funkiness and some nu-jazz fusion freakiness amongst the percussive drive. It might sound like a lot but don’t be deterred. I don’t know if they left it all on the festival stage, but there’s an airiness and thoughtfulness to the sonic hustle and bustle, which would be equally at home in livelier domestic situations or as an aid to elbowing the zombie, Christmas shopping hordes.